In the wake of the devastating wildfires that occurred on August 8, the 7-Eleven global family of brands, comprising more than 84,000 stores across 20 countries and regions, have united to offer support to the historic lands of Lahaina, Maui. Together, the family of brands has donated approximately $393,343, raised through corporate and customer donations.
Donations were made to the Hawai'i Community Foundation Maui Strong Fund, the American Red Cross Hawai'i Wildlife Relief Fund and the Salvation Army.
7-Eleven Japan collected customer contributions via donation canisters from August 15 through August 28 at 21,442 store locations nationwide. The collected funds totaled approximately $305,705 and were all donated to the Hawai’i Community Foundation Maui Strong Fund.
7-Eleven Hawai'i offered support through in-store donation canister collections and food and monetary contributions. The donation canisters at 66 locations totaled $10,387.90, which will be directed toward the Hawai'i Community Foundation Maui Strong Fund. Additionally, the company contributed $20,000 toward the American Red Cross and the Salvation Army, each receiving $10,000.
The company also collaborated with commissary partner Warabeya U.S.A. to provide nutrition bars and fresh food items to Maui evacuation shelters.
7-Eleven contributed a 7-Eleven Cares Foundation donation of $25,000, and employees donated $7,250, all of which went towards the American Red Cross Hawai'i Wildlife Relief Fund.
7-Eleven International made a corporate donation of $25,000 to the Hawai'i Community Foundation Maui Strong Fund.
Greg Hanna, president and CEO of 7-Eleven Hawai'i, expressed deep gratitude to the community members who shared concern for the Kahului store team, where the company has its sole Maui operation. "We truly appreciate our customers, team members and partners for their extraordinary generosity and support as we work together to facilitate recovery efforts."