Disaster and Emergency Preparedness
Convenience stores are beacons in their communities, providing much-needed food and fuel to first responders and residents before, during and after an emergency or disaster.
In the wake of an emergency or natural disaster, resuming operations at a refinery and pushing product through the pipeline is complex.
The NACS Convenience Store Emergency Planning and Job Aids are customizable and include a plan evaluation document and Job Aids of tasks and checklists for specific functions that store employees perform during emergency and disaster planning and recovery. The Job Aids can also be used as on-boarding training, refresher training or immediate training when emergency conditions approach.
EPA resources cite best practices for helping underground storage tank owners and operators safely bring UST systems back into service.
Convenience stores do much more than sell daily essentials and an estimated 80% of the fuels purchased in the United States — they also play a critical role before and after a natural disaster like a hurricane strikes.