Average U.S. Drinker Consumes Four Drinks Per Week

A new Gallup poll suggests that beer is the beverage of choice among adult consumers.

August 21, 2012

NEW YORK - A new Gallup survey reveals two-thirds of adults in the United States consume alcohol, with the average adult drinking four beverages per week, Fox News reports.

According to the report, when asked how many drinks they had consumed in the past week, 34% of respondents said none, 52% said one to seven, and 12% said eight or more.

Among drinkers, 39% said they prefer beer, 35% said wine and 22% said liquor. The numbers tilt differently when sorted by gender, with 55% of male drinkers preferring beer, followed by liquor (21%) and wine (20%). Among female drinkers, 52% said they prefer wine, with the rest equally split between liquor and beer.

Men also tend to drink more than women, with male drinkers reporting they consumed 6.2 drinks in the past week, compared with 2.2 for women.

According to Gallup, the poll had a margin of error of four percentage points.