Where Have All the Home Cooks Gone?

Meal kits, takeout and drive-thrus are squeezing out grocers and food makers as fewer people cook at home.

June 20, 2018

WASHINGTON – Do people want to cook anymore? That’s a question many food manufacturers and supermarkets are asking themselves, as the proliferation of drive-thrus, carryout and meal kits continues to increase, Wall Street Journal reports.

While Americans have always enjoyed dining out, what’s different is the increase of meals consumed at home from delivery, carryout/drive-thrus and meal kits. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics found that food spending for meals prepared at home rose less than 2% a year during 2013 and 2016,  but shelling out for meals prepared elsewhere jumped more than 20%. “All of a sudden the whole model is shifting away from home, but at the same time still at home,” said David H. Stone, a managing partner at The New England Consulting Group.

That trend is projected to continue, as millennial households spend more on restaurant meals, according to the Food Institute. But millennials who don’t cook much will probably keep using meal kits, delivery and carryout/drive-thrus as demands from family and work continue to press.

Grocery stores have tackled this trend by providing more prepared foods and in-store dining options. Convenience retailers have responded by expanding grab-and-go sections and adding more fresh prepared meal options for busy shoppers.
