FDA Authorizes Seven Vuse Alto Pod E-Cigarettes

R.J. Reynolds Vapor Company received marketing orders for the products.

July 19, 2024

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized the marketing of seven e-cigarette products from manufacturer R.J. Reynolds Vapor Company.

The products were submitted through the premarket tobacco product application (PMTA) pathway, and following review, FDA issued marketing granted orders for the Vuse Alto Power Unit and six Vuse Alto tobacco-flavored pods, which are sealed, pre-filled and non-refillable. The seven approved products are:

  • Vuse Alto Pod Golden Tobacco 5%
  • Vuse Alto Pod Rich Tobacco 5%
  • Vuse Alto Pod Golden Tobacco 2.4%
  • Vuse Alto Pod Rich Tobacco 2.4%
  • Vuse Alto Pod Golden Tobacco 1.8%
  • Vuse Alto Pod Rich Tobacco 1.8%

R.J. Reynolds Vapor Company also recently filed its final PMTA submission for its Vuse Pro age-gated device.

The electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS) device platform connects to a mobile application that verifies the consumer’s age through a third-party provider prior to unlocking for use. Once verified, the device will unlock and uses a unique design to only allow compatible Vuse Pro pods to be used. The technology and mobile application also enable features such as auto-lock and proximity lock to further secure device access.

Reynolds American also launched a nicotine-free vapor product earlier this month. The company told The Wall Street Journal that since the product contains no nicotine and isn’t compatible with any other tobacco products, it did not intend to seek federal clearance for the device.

To date, FDA has authorized 34 e-cigarette products and devices, including the seven authorized this week. To secure market authorization under a PMTA, manufacturers must demonstrate that the marketing of a new tobacco product is appropriate for the protection of public health.