Fuel Retailers Win Important Vote on EV Charging

NACS supported the NEMA motion to amend restrictive standards for EV chargers at gas stations.

June 23, 2023

This week the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) hosted its annual convention and expo in Las Vegas. As part of the program, the NFPA Technical Committee met to consider motions to update fire code standards, including amendments to its proposal to establish requirements for electric vehicle (EV) chargers at gas stations.

While some improvements had been made to the latest draft revision of this proposal, these standards would still make it difficult, if not impossible, for most fuel retailers to locate EV chargers on their sites. The National Electric Manufacturers Association (NEMA) offered a motion that would remove those onerous provisions, which passed by a vote of 178-89.

NACS strongly supported this motion and worked closely with a broad group of stakeholders, including convenience and fuel retail companies NATSO, SIGMA and NEMA and EV charging companies, such as ChargePoint, Electrify America and Tesla. Supporters of the motion spoke during the debate highlighting the fact that fuel retailers have been offering EV charging on their sites safely and without incident for many years. Speakers also shared how existing fire and safety electrical requirements on EV chargers and at gas stations are working.

NACS, with NATSO and SIGMA, has been very involved in the fire code revision process and stopped efforts to expedite this proposal last year. Yesterday’s vote was a critical moment in the process and a major win for fuel retailers looking to offer EV charging to their customers.