Do You Know Your Female Shoppers?

Uncover insights into this core consumer, including the most important trends driving women’s buying patterns.

March 16, 2023

ALEXANDRIA, Va.—There are shoppers that convenience retailers should be focusing on—as in the shoppers who represent the world’s most powerful consumers.    

According to NACS Convenience Voices insights, 43% of all convenience store shoppers are women, and they are on a mission. Women shop your stores for immediate refreshment (49%) and for snacks (34%), which suggests they know a convenience store will have what they need to refresh and reenergize.  

However, when it comes to prepared food, women tend to buy elsewhere within 30 minutes of leaving your store (31%), suggesting they may not trust that food from a convenience store is fresh and safe to consume.  

With these industry-specific datapoints in mind, how can you access insights on the most effective way to tap into the power of your female customer base?  

Bridget Brennan, CEO and founder of Female Factor, is an expert on growing a business with female consumers—and she’s speaking on April 19 at NACS State of the Industry Summit in Dallas. She is a trailblazer in the study of the female consumer and has helped companies move the needle where it’s needed: at the store-level. 

State of the Industry participants will learn: 

  • The scale and scope of women's "multiplier effect" on sales 
  • The most important trends driving women's buying patterns 
  • How to move from transactional to inclusive engagement 
  • How improving the customer experience for women improves the experience for men, too 

Based on years of research and her best-selling book, “Winning Her Business: How to Transform the Customer Experience for the World's Most Powerful Consumers,” Brennan will share key insights on how retailers can increase sales, enhance brand loyalty and create emotional engagement with their female shoppers. 

Register today for the NACS State of the Industry Summit in Dallas, April 18-20, to hear Brennan’s advice on how you can capture the spending power and loyalty of your female shoppers.