Americans Support More Parking for Trucks—But Not Nearby

A survey reveals broad support for truck drivers and the trucking industry.

March 15, 2023

DALLAS, Texas—CloudTrucks, a technology and service provider for trucking entrepreneurs, released findings from its 2023 Truck Parking Shortage Survey. The nationwide survey revealed that while most Americans regard truck drivers favorably and value their service, many are not aware of the chronic parking issues faced by drivers. Once they understand the parking shortage and the safety hazards that the shortage presents for truck drivers, Americans recognize it as an important issue and favor the establishment of more truck parking through government support—as long as the parking is not built in their backyards, according to CloudTrucks.

Key findings from the survey include:

  • Americans highly value truck drivers and their service. Respondents said they feel truck drivers are “overworked” (82%), “underpaid” (58%) and “safer drivers than the general public” (50%).
  • The truck parking shortage and its impacts are not well known among the general public. More than half (56%) of respondents said they had never heard of the truck parking shortage, and 21% did not know that drivers typically sleep in their vehicles.
  • Most Americans are in favor of more truck parking, but not too close to their homes. When presented with descriptions and data on the issue, 95% of respondents support the construction of new overnight parking facilities for truck drivers, but 80% would only support facilities that are at least three miles from their homes.
  • Many feel government support is needed to address the parking shortage and support truck drivers, including 40% of those surveyed who advocated for providing tax incentives to truck stop companies and other private companies to create more parking.

Currently there is one semi-truck parking spot for every 11 truck drivers.