MOL Group Expands Polish Presence

The introduction of the MOL brand to the Polish market will begin immediately.

December 02, 2022

GDANSK, Poland—MOL Group has officially entered the Polish fuel market after closing transactions with PKN Orlen and Grupa LOTOS, which resulted in the acquisition of more than 410 LOTOS Paliwa stations.

MOL will also divest 143 stations in Hungary and 39 stations in Slovakia, paving the way for PKN Orlen to enter the Slovakian and Hungarian fuel retail market.

The introduction of the MOL brand to the Polish market will begin immediately, including a complete re-branding of the new network. Slovnaft Polska service stations operating in Southern Poland will also be transformed to operate under the MOL brand, taking the total number of MOL’s Polish network close to 500 locations.

The introduction of MOL’s Fresh Corner brand to Poland is also on the agenda, which offers fresh food, coffee, dairy, pastries and freshly baked bread.

MOL Group is an integrated, international oil and gas company, headquartered in Budapest, Hungary. NACS Magazine featured the company in a Global Trends piece, “Sophisticated Model,” and captured its journey to transform its consumer services business from a traditional fuel retailer to a consumer goods company.
“We recognize that purely fuel is not the future anymore,” said Bence Biro, head of retail operations at MOL Group, in the September 2019 article. “We have realized that the future lies in a more sophisticated model.”