Committees & Leadership
A member-driven organization, NACS is led by a 29-member Board of Directors. The Board performs their advisory and oversight function through well-structured, planned, and assigned committees to take advantage of the expertise of the directors.
Up to twenty seven industry retailers make up the NACS Board of Directors. A diverse store size and regional representation among the Board members is a requirement of the NACS by-laws. No less than one third must represent retail companies with 25 stores or fewer and no less than one third must represent retail companies with 150 stores or more. There must be three Board members from each of the 6 domestic regions, but no more than three from any one state (unless the state has 100+ NACS retail members). In addition, the Chairman and Chairman-elect of the NACS Supplier Board serve on the Board of Directors. Board members are elected by the greater NACS membership, and elections are held each fall during the NACS Show. Individual committees include Legislative, Retail Engagement, Research & Technology and several others.
In 2016, NACS by-laws were addended to create the NACS International Board of Directors. The chairman of the International Board of Directors is a voting member of the domestic NACS Board of Directors, representing region 7.
The Supplier Board represents NACS supplier members and serves as an organized voice for the suppliers in the affairs of NACS.