Emergency Planning Resources
NACS offers resources to help convenience retailers develop or improve their disaster planning procedures. Created in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and FEMA experts, these resources can enhance a business's planning, preparation and recovery efforts from disasters.
Emergency Planning Guides
The Emergency Planning Guides are based on emergency preparedness and recovery practices from over 20 convenience retailers across various regions in the United States. They also incorporate government regulatory requirements and recommendations from professional associations.
To get started, review the Convenience Store Emergency Planning and Job Evaluation to develop or assess your company’s emergency plans and procedures. The Convenience Store Emergency Job Aids contain checklists for most situations, such as assigning emergency coordinators to closing stores and reopening stores, as well as communicating to customers and employees.

Overview of how to protect a store before and during an emergency, and restore operations after an event.

Tasks and checklists for specific functions that store employees can perform during disaster planning and recovery.
The open-source Microsoft Word documents are available only to NACS members to customize. You will need your username and password for access.
Emergency Preparedness Training Videos
Thess six short videos can help convenience retailers and their employees with their training or as a refresher in a potential emergency situation.
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