EPA Sends RFS to White House

The draft 2020-21 Renewable Fuel Standard blending requirements are at the White House for review.

May 10, 2019

WASHINGTON D.C.— Politico reports that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has sent the draft 2020 and 2021 Renewable Fuel Standard blending requirements to the White House for review.

The move comes after the EPA received requests from 36 refineries for exemptions from blending compliance rules.
Politico says that biofuel observers expect the rule to preserve the 15 billion gallon requirement for conventional ethanol. However, advanced biofuels advocates are hoping the rule will raise volume requirements for cellulosic ethanol and biodiesel.

Former EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt reduced cellulosic requirements for 2018, though the requirements were raised again in this year’s mandate. Biodiesel volumes, which are set a year ahead, were increased for 2020 but less than producers had hoped.

After the White House reviews the draft volumes and sends the proposal back to EPA, the next step of the process will include EPA publishing the draft proposed volume requirements in the Federal Register, followed by a public comment period where interested parties can submit their comments to EPA for consideration in the final rule. By law, EPA must finalize the renewable volume obligations by November 30. Sources indicate that EPA is on track to meet the deadline.