Consumer Demand Grows for Plant-based Proteins

Whether it’s eggs, beef or chicken, plant-based versions are available.

July 02, 2018

U.S. consumers are looking for the most effective ways to enhance health, boost immunity, increase energy and improve their appearance, all attributes that are associated with the consumption of protein. And the interest in consuming additional protein has escalated the demand for plant-based proteins.

Recently, Beyond Meat, a meat-alternative manufacturer, opened its second manufacturing facility in Colombia, Missouri, to meet the increasing demand for plant-based meat products, according to

The company’s new facility boosted production space from 30,000 to 100,000 square feet. Beyond Meat creates packaged burger patties, sausage, chicken strips and beef crumbles from plants, and plans are underway to introduce these offerings in more than 50 countries before year-end.

Last week, Kaimana Chee, concierge chef for JUST, a San Francisco food and beverage company, demonstrated JUST Egg, a vegan egg substitute made from mung beans, for members of the news media, reported

Today, JUST Egg is being served in a few upscale restaurants, where it reportedly looks, tastes and cooks much like the real thing. The company is gearing up to launch a retail version of the product, which will be available as a liquid for scrambling and as a premade patty.

Expect to see more versions of similar plant-based protein products on the market in the future. There was a 25% increase in the number of consumers claiming to be vegetarians between 2012 and 2016, according to market research group Mintel.