Register Today for Conexxus Conference to Save

The registration rate goes up tomorrow for the annual conference, which runs April 29 until May 3 in Chicago.

February 16, 2018

ALEXANDRIA, Va. – Who doesn’t want to save money? Retailers curious about new technology and standards to improve business processes, lower costs and increase profitability should register today for the Conexxus Annual Conference to save. Registration rates will rise tomorrow, Saturday, Feb. 17, to $1,745 for members and $2,999 for non-members. 

This year’s conference features Vish Ganapathy, managing director and retail technology leader globally for Accenture Consulting, as the keynote speaker. The conference is scheduled for April 29 to May 3 at the Lowes Chicago O’Hare in Chicago. Ganapathy will speak on “Retail Futurist” at the conference.

At the Conexxus Annual Conference, the convenience and fuel retailing industry comes together for four days to discuss critical technology issues that are impacting how companies in this industry do business. From data security to payment technology, attendees will become part of the process that creates and sets technology standards. For more information and to register, click here.