Lonnie McQuirterDirector of Operations36 Lyn Refuel Station
General Counsel
Doug KantorGeneral CounselNACS
Molly AllenSr. Director, Government Affairs7-Eleven, Inc.
Daniel L. AlsakerPrincipleAlsaker Corp dba Broadway
Jason BassettDirector of Government AffairsSheetz, Inc.
Doug M. BeechSr. Assistant General Counsel/Director of GovernmeCasey's General Stores, Inc.
Aaron BrooksSVP Real Estate and Fuel CustomerCircle K - Global Team
James S. DepperSenior CounselMurphy USA
Annie GauthierCFO/Co-CEOSt. Romain Oil Company, LLC
Stephanie HeimDirector, Regulatory Affairs and ComplianceUnited Pacific
Raymond M. HuffPresidentHJB Convenience Corp. dba Russell's Convenience
Mark JordanChief Executive OfficerRefuel Operating Company
Michael JunkManager of Public and Government AffairsQuikTrip Corporation
William B. KentChairman/CEOThe Kent Companies dba Kent Kwik Convenience Stores
Tom KirbyGovernment AffairsLove's Travel Stops & Country Stores
Rich MakinVice President of FuelWawa, Inc.
Brian C. McCarthyVice PresidentBlarney Castle Oil Co.
Natalie MorhousCEO RaceTracRaceTrac, Inc.
Donald R. RhoadsPresident/CEOThe Convenience Group, LLC
Kristin SeabrookEVP, Chief Legal Counsel & SecretaryPilot Travel Centers LLC
Kevin SmarttCEO/PresidentTXB Stores
Eden SutherlandMarketing & Communications DirectorGate Petroleum Company
Victor VercammenVice President of Safety, Regulatory & Government AffairsGetGo Cafe+Market
Joe ZietlowIndustry and Trade Association AnalystKwik Trip, Inc.
Staff Liaison
Henry ArmourPresident and CEONACS
Lyle BeckwithSr. V.P., Government RelationsNACS
Anna Ready BlomDirector, Government RelationsNACS
Jeff BurrellVP, Retail EngagementNACS
Margaret Hardin MannionDirector, Government RelationsNACS
Jon TaetsDirector, Government RelationsNACS
State Association Representative
Philip ChambleeExecutive Director/CEOMississippi Petroleum Marketers & C-Store Assn.
Charlie SummersPresident/CEOMaine Energy Marketers Association
Lauren Suzanne ZirbelExecutive DirectorHawaii Food Industry Association