Convenience Across the Pond

Latest Convenience Matters podcast sits down with Mark Wohltmann to explore convenience retail trends in Europe.

February 13, 2018

ALEXANDRIA, Va. – On this week’s episode of Convenience Matters, “Convenience Across the Pond” (episode #108), NACS hosts Jeff Lenard and Carolyn Schnare talked with Mark Wohltmann, director of NACS Europe, about European convenience issues.

Convenience stores around the world eventually contend with the same regulations and challenges, and while retailers in some countries are at one end of the spectrum, others are just getting started.

Wohltmann explains how political and economic uncertainty has led to some delay in investment and expansion for global convenience companies, and this again is turning the classic market development upside down. The trio also covers tobacco regulation, foodservice expansion and how retailers around the world can learn from each other.

He also highlights Poland, calling Warsaw a “very progressive market. You can see how the retailers really invested and professionalized the convenience offer.” In June, global convenience retailers can experience Warsaw and London at the NACS Convenience Summit Europe. Both legs of the event feature provocative speakers and education as well as store tours in both cities.

If you have interest in staying up to speed in global convenience markets or just really want to figure out what’s happening with the “Blue Banana” of Europe, download this week’s episode.

Each week a new Convenience Matters episode is released. The weekly podcast can be downloaded on iTunes, Google Play Music and Stitcher and at Episodes have been downloaded by listeners in more than 95 countries more than 38,000 times.
