Leveraging Car Wash Potential in Convenience Retail
The car wash industry is steadily expanding, with further industry growth expected across the next decade. While some convenience retailers have leveraged car washes to drive traffic and deliver growth, potential remains for additional convenience retailers to incorporate a car wash as part of their offering. The value of incorporating a car wash on the same premises as a convenience store or gas station is clear—increased potential for a high-margin addition to the business and building customer loyalty.
This FREE report will help you understand the landscape of car washes at convenience retailers and provides insight on:
- Car wash types and site selection criteria
- Wash tiers and subscription models
- Marketing efforts, building car wash loyalty, and customer expectations
- Wash maintenance and labor requirements
- Handling customer complaints
Published in February 2022, this free report is best suited for retailers exploring the addition of a car wash to an existing site or looking into new build locations that would incorporate a car wash, as well as suppliers targeting a better understanding for car wash implementation at convenience retail locations.
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