Understanding Your Convenience Shoppers

understanding-your-shoppers_cover.jpgIndividuals shop at convenience stores differently. Identifying shopper types can help you strategize how to better serve various types of customers with varying needs and missions. Each year, NACS conducts Convenience Voices, a proprietary syndicated mobile shopper insights program to uncover the latest convenience retail consumer preferences and trends. This study allows NACS to identify segments of shoppers based on non-demographic characteristics. This complimentary report will help you understand the three primary types of convenience shoppers:

  • Experience-Driven Loyalists
  • Time Optimizers
  • Value Seekers

Published in March 2023, this report is best suited for retailers & suppliers who want to understand shopper types based on customer segments shop the convenience channel.

Learn more about NACS Convenience Voices to understand how NACS can conduct segmentation on shoppers specific to your store or category.

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