Rising Gas Prices Lead to Sophisticated Fuel Theft

Tampa Bay police warn that thieves are going after the fuel supplies contained in underground storage tanks.

February 23, 2012

TAMPA, FL - The Tampa Bay Times highlighted a sophisticated fuel theft attempt earlier this week, one that it attributed to sharply rising gas prices.

The theft involved a minivan sporting a large hole cut out of its floorboard, along with a portable pumping station, power source, pump, and plastic container.

The van parked over a local gas station??s underground storage tank (UST) and attempted to steal hundreds of gallons of fuel, funneling it into a plastic tank housed inside the van.

The theft was unsuccessful (an alert officer, passing by, thwarted the attempt), though authorities warned to expect similar attempts as gas prices rise toward record high levels.

"When the price of the commodities goes up, we're not surprised to see that enterprising thieves will find ways to get that commodity and make a profit," said St. Petersburg police spokesman Mike Puetz.

Sheriff??s Office Captain Andy Ross said UST theft was common a few years ago when gas prices rose sharply.

"We had this problem pretty widespread a couple years ago," Ross said. "It kind of ebbed. It seems like this is on the uptick again."
