Gain a Clear Snapshot of Industry Compensation and Benefits

Participate in the NACS Compensation Survey to help fuel an essential industry report.

October 27, 2022

ALEXANDRIA, Va.—The labor market is fiercely competitive, and with in-store staff turnover of 150% last year (the highest since 2012), companies want to offer the most attractive wage and benefits package that win and retain the best talent to prevent revenue and productivity loss.

But are higher wages and perks overdue or just the norm? And how does your labor strategy compare to other companies of a similar size?

The NACS State of the Industry Compensation Report is the only and most up-to-date convenience industry-specific benchmarking tool that gives you a clear snapshot of employee compensation, benefits, turnover, recruitment and recruitment.

In order to produce this essential annual report, we need your help by completing the NACS Compensation Survey and confidentially submit your data, joining your industry peers who plan to participate this year.

By participating in the survey, you will receive two complimentary user licenses to the complete comprehensive report when it’s released in spring 2023 (a $578 value) with exclusive benchmarking data, analysis and insights.

The deadline to complete the survey is December 30th. Participate today! Contact Jayme Gough, NACS research manager, at, for more information.
