Using U.S. Census Data

In this NACS webinar, attendees will learn how data from the U.S. Census Bureau can help pick store sites and customize marketing.

June 06, 2018

ALEXANDRIA, Va. – The U.S. Census Bureau has lots of useful data, but figuring out what data is available—and how to find it—can be tricky. During the NACS webinar, “Pick the Right Site and Product Mix for your Stores: How to Leverage Public Data to Make Informed Decisions,” the U.S. Census Bureau will highlight tools created specifically for retail businesses.

Census data can help retailers pick store sites, determine the right product mix and refine marketing. Webinar attendees will learn how to leverage consumer spending habit data to figure out which products to stock.

The webinar also will teach retailers how to use the Census tools to understand their customer base and how it’s changing through demographic, housing and socioeconomic data. In addition, the webinar will compare economic trends regionally to locally to inform new site selection, and if the new locations should take a more high-end versus a budget-friendly approach to design and products.

“Pick the Right Site and Product Mix for your Stores: How to Leverage Public Data to Make Informed Decisions” will be held Monday, June 11, at 2 pm Eastern Time. Register here.
