Coupons Can Develop Customer Loyalty

With the increasing number of coupons out there, small businesses are finding out that coupons can keep customers coming back.

April 12, 2010

SPRING HILL, Fla. - The number of coupons, both digital and paper, have been increasing recently, and savvy small businesses are capitalizing on using coupons to keep customers loyal, Small Business Trends reports.

Mobile coupons are gaining market share over print coupons, with finding that digital or online coupons outpace printed newspaper coupons 10 to 1. Digital coupons are fast becoming a necessary component of many people??s shopping experience.

Small businesses should create a coupon program that encourages customer loyalty. Ways to get coupons into consumer hands includes print, distribution services (,, loyalty or club cards, Google Maps listing, local review sites (Yelp, FourSquare), partner Web sites, your company emails and mobile text messages.

Use social media to get the word out about your coupons. For example, develop a dedicated Twitter feed for deals and promotions. On Facebook, set up a fan page and run FB-only specials, alerts for events and promotion highlights.

Yelp lets small businesses include a brief message on their page, where they can list current promotions or coupons. Partner with vendors to leverage networks. Team up with targeted bloggers and blogs to showcase your special promotions.

Check out "Buy One Get One Free, or Why Coupons Work" in the December 2009 NACS Magazine for more on convenience stores and coupons.
