Walmart Expands Online Grocery to SNAP Beneficiaries

Customers using their EBT cards in select Houston and Boise, Idaho, stores can use their benefits for Walmart’s online grocery pickup service.

September 21, 2017

BENTONVILLE, Ark. – Walmart announced on its blog that its expanding its Online Grocery Pickup to Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipients.

CNBC writes that the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which oversees SNAP, requires that customers using electronic benefits transfer (EBT) pay for their purchases at the "actual time and place" of a sale. Other grocers, including Lowes Foods and Harris Teeter, are also experimenting with EBT cards and online ordering, notes the news source.

“You’ve told us you love Online Grocery Pickup … We think this is a service that should be available to everyone. That’s why we’re introducing an option that allows customers using EBT benefits to use Online Grocery Pickup and pay when they pick up their groceries,” said Mike Turner, Walmart’s vice president of ecommerce operations, on the company’s blog.

“Right now, we’re offering this expanded way to pay in one store in the Houston area and four more around Boise [Idaho]. And we’ll be bringing it to more and more markets through the holiday season and beyond,” Turner says.
