Unexplained Rise in Violent Crime in U.S. Cities

The increase in homicides, rapes and robberies have baffled law enforcement.

June 08, 2016

CHICAGO – Violent crime, such as robbery, rape and homicide, has been inching up in many large U.S. cities this year, but law enforcement hasn’t found a trend or concrete reason, the Associated Press reports.

“It’s being reported on at local levels, but in my view, it’s not getting the attention at the national level it deserves,” said James Comey, director of the FBI. “I don’t know what the answer is, but holy cow, do we have a problem.”

Since a peak in the U.S. crime rate during the 1990s, Americans have enjoyed a relatively peaceful time. However, last year, law enforcement noticed a jump in violent crime that continues to rise—but not in all major cities. For example, Los Angeles and Chicago have had more homicides lately, but Oakland, Calif., and Miami have not. Chicago especially has had a particularly harrowing few months, with a 50% increase in shootings.

Some speculate that gangs have contributed to the increase in homicide, rape and robbery, while others point to drug problems as the gateway to violent crime. While the bump is troubling, it’s nowhere near as high as the early 1990s, when there were roughly 25,000 homicides annually, according to Darrell Stephens, executive director of the Major Cities Chiefs Association.

Whatever the cause, national law enforcement personnel are concerned about the spurt of violent crime lately. “Sometimes people say to me, well, the increases are off of historic lows. How does that many of us feel any better?” Comey said. “A whole lot more people are dying this year than last year, and last year than the year before. And I don’t know why for sure.”

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