Country of Origin Fuel Label Bill Introduced

Rep. Bruce Braley's proposal would require pumps to clearly state from where the fuel came.

June 06, 2011

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Last week Rep. Bruce Braley (D-IA) introduced at bill that would make all U.S. gasoline pumps list the nation of origin of the fuel inside.

"I am introducing legislation in the House that would require a label that clearly states the nation of origin for the fuel you??re pumping," Braley said in the Huffington Post.

"The legislation, dubbed 'COOL for Fuels,?? will require the Department of Energy to conduct a study and implement its recommendations to ensure American consumers have the ability to decide at the gas pump whether they want to purchase domestic fuel products or gas produced by potentially hostile oil-producing nations," read the opinion piece, which Braley co-authored with retired Gen. Wesley Clark of Growth Energy.

Clark asked the public to support the legislation by signing on as citizen co-sponsors. "Americans need to know what this addiction is costing us in real terms, and country-of-origin labeling is a commonsense way to get that message across," said Clark.
