Murphy USA Expands E15 to More Markets

Expansion program brings higher ethanol blend to Chicago and Houston suburbs.

February 13, 2015

EL DORADO, Ark. – Murphy USA Inc. announced an expansion program that will bring E15 to consumers in the suburbs of Chicago and Houston in 2015. After several successful introductions of the new fuel in Iowa, Murphy USA will now offer E15 in select new locations coming in 2015.

"We are excited to offer E15 in addition to our existing product offerings. Murphy USA will continue to pursue opportunities to offer the fuel our customers’ desire," said a spokesperson for Murphy USA in a press release.

Growth Energy welcomed the announcement. “Growth Energy applauds Murphy USA’s ongoing commitment to bring higher blends of homegrown renewable fuels to the American motorist,” said Tom Buis, CEO of Growth Energy. “Their dedication to providing the consumer with the best, most cost-effective product is commendable. Furthermore, we are thrilled to see Murphy USA’s success and decision to expand into new markets. Higher blends such as E15 are helping reduce our dependence on foreign oil, improve our environment through reduced emissions and support our domestic economy by creating jobs that cannot be outsourced.”

Buis said that retailers who offer E15 and other mid-level and higher blends of ethanol at competitive prices see increased sales and noted that consumers who use the fuel see better performance.
